Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Green Smoothies

 My favorite green smoothie is a real powerhouse in the morning. It is a great mix of good-for-you and tasty, and quite possibly the perfect on the go breakfast.

Green Smoothie
1 frozen banana (I freeze mine in thirds so it blends up easier)
1-2 Tbs. peanut butter (we like Adams)
1/4 cup yogurt (any kind will work, but we like plain or vanilla Greek the best)
1/2 cup milk (again, any kind will work, we use almond milk usually)
2 cups fresh baby spinach (or just fill the blender the rest of the way with spinach - honestly who has time to measure in the morning?)

Optional: frozen berries, a bit of honey for sweetness, protein powder, other fruits/greens

This basic smoothie really hits the spot in the morning. The peanut butter helps balance out the spinach flavor, and the frozen banana keeps it thick and super cold. Enjoy immediately, with a straw if you have one.

Look at that beautiful green color!

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