Wednesday, May 22, 2013

DIY Dishwasher Detergent

I'm sick of rewashing dishes due to that filmy, white, cloudy residue from all the new detergents. (I miss the phosphates, but I know the environment doesn't.) I started doing some research online to see if anyone else had found a fix. I've tried white vinegar in the rinse aid dispenser, and that helped some, but I still needed a better solution.

Like many DIY'ers, I turned to the internet to get ideas. DIY Mamas had a simple mix and convincing photos! So, I gathered my supplies and made a small batch, then ran a test load.

I found everything on Amazon, but I'm sure most of it is available in the grocery store too.
The cool thing is, I can use the Borax and washing soda for some other DIY recipes I've been meaning to try. So, the total cost isn't too expensive, and I'm not at a loss if it doesn't work.

See the results after the jump

I started with 1 cup each of Borax and washing soda, then added 1/4 cup of Epsom salt. Mix well and add 1 tablespoon to your detergent cup in the dishwasher. Less is more with this, and with most dishwasher detergents.Then squirt a little of the Lemi-Shine in the bottom - probably a teaspoon full. I already had white vinegar in the rinse aid dispenser, so I just set the dishwasher for a normal load with heater drying. The true test would be our glasses after they completed the drying cycle.

Jar on the left was washed with Finish Lemon Powder. The glass on the right was washed with the new mix.
I almost wish this photo showed the nasty residue better so you could really see the difference, but I'm sort of glad that it doesn't -- I don't want people to freak out if they are eating over at my house! I'm really pleased with the results, and love seeing the glasses and flatware really shine. 

One load down, and I'll keep you posted on future results. If this mix continues to work well, then I will make a larger batch with the same ratio.

Here's to sparkling clean dishes!



  1. What would you think about adding powdered Lemi-Shine to the mix, and not have to remember to add a little of the liquid? Would it work as well?

    1. I think that would work fine, but it does clump up a bit when you add the powdered verision right in with the rest of the mix. Just make sure to shake it up really well before you scoop it out.

  2. Replies
    1. I just ordered some powdered citric acid, and am going to try adding that instead of the powdered Lemi-Shine. Hopefully it won't clump up as much. I'll be sure to update with the results.
