Monday, September 16, 2013

West Seattle Farmers Market

On a quest for lemon cucumbers, my bestie and I headed to the West Seattle Farmers Market on Sunday last week. Much to our surprise, we spotted several vendors selling these cooky little guys. To my dismay, they do not taste like lemon and are not sour at all... in fact, they are a sweeter version of a regular cucumber and are quite delicious on their own, on salads, or in tacos. 

We also took in the delights of other vendors, scored some AMAZING nectarines and corn on the cob. It was a perfect Seattle day, and great way to get out into the sunshine.

Shopping carts in the sun

These are NOT lemon cucumbers
More after the jump

Do you like how I didn't take any photos of the items we purchased? Yeah, me either, but we ate up almost everything before I even thought of posting photos. Oops.

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